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multiplayer connection losses


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I haven't yet seen a problem asked like this, so here goes, sorry if this is a repeat-


First, my setup: P3 850, GeForce2MX, 256ram, cable modem, 30+gig free memory, play at 1024x768, use Win98. I don't think most of this matters, because:


When playing multiplayer, on ANY server, I will get a connection loss icon about every 5-10 seconds, with the accompanying warp. This makes games essentially unplayable. I do have my setting on Cable/LAN. My ping times are generally quite low, usually in the double digits.


At first I thought it might be some performance problem; I have no problem with singleplayer with all the bells and whistles, but I turned all of those off and all details to medium just in case. I don't believe it's my cable connection, although I suppose it's entirely possible; but ping and tracert tests seem to have a normal amount of failures, perhaps 4 out of 50. I've played many online MMRPG's with no problems, and also UT for quite some time (although i can't remember if I had this connection then or not for the UT, to be honest). This is my first Quake-based online game, so I'm not wholly familiar with it and that's why I'm asking to see if there's something I'm missing. And again, I'm still not discounting that it could be my cable connection. Just wanted to check to see if this problem sound familiar to anyone? Will provide any other details I missed if needed...

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Got suggestion for you guys, it might be spyware running in the background.


The stuff eats bandwidth like you wouldn't believe, and causes crashes like accidents on the motorway. Go to http://www.lavasoft.nu, get the freeware Ad-Aware and run a full scan on your HDs, memory and registry (both deep and quick scans). If it finds stuff then that may be your problem.

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