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Newbie needing map construction help


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I've created a multiplayer map eg built the construction site and I want to get it activated for JO.

Could I please have a step by step guide on how to do this (eg do I need to pk3 it, is there other things needed in the map including the buildings etc etc)


All help greatfully accepted

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ok if its a MP map you need....assuming that youve created your map......you need lighting to see....you need to right click on the 2d map and click info...then player deathmatch..place these these are your spawn points.... youll need to bsp the map.....if you just want to test it and havent put in lights yet..use bsp(nolight)...

to test run jk2 and goto consol...type in map <mapname>...

after everything is said and done and you map is finished make a .pk3 file..this consists of a levelshot...a bsp and a arena file......there are alot of posts on this if you cant find one let me know and when i get home i will send you link to tutorial..

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Making considerable progress, ont his thanks, only one slight problem though, I've right clicked on the 2d map (i assume this is the grided section) and info doesn't appear on this at all, have I done something wrong?


But thanks for the help it is really useful :)

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Have you loaded the project file before opening the map? That should help- For the basics you may find Bubbas Tutorials intressting- to say the least. There are advanced Tutorials there too.

Just one remark: Bubba wrote those for Quake3, so everything should be the same, only the "common" textures are now in the "system" folder. Some more speciallized things won't work anymore (like the "beam"-texture) but generally you should find anything in there quite helpful.



BTW: Could anyone make a sticky post in on this forum that shows the newcomers the way to Bubba? Would really help most of the "youngsters" here :)

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the reinstallation did bring up the info section, however the deathmatch section which stems from that did not.

Any suggestion on why

Sorry to be bugging you peeps, but I can see I'm close but just a barrier away


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