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Binding keys / mouse buttons in console


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I want to bind either Mouse 3 to duck or alt. fire depeding on the MP server im on or style of play i adopy. I want to do this without, mid-game changing the controls through the controls menu. So,


1) how do i bind Mouse 3 to duck

2) how do i bind Mouse 3 to alt. fire

3) can I set up a key to toggle between these althernative




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Not sure about mouse3 since I don't use it. But looking through jk2config I see Mouse1 and Mouse2, so I gather it's Mouse3.


Now, for the binds.


bind mouse3 "+movedown"

bind mouse3 "+altattack"


As for a toggle, I'm not sure this works in JK2 since it's from a Q3 script I made, but try it out.


set duck "bind mouse3 vstr altfire"

set altfire "bind mouse3 vstr duck"

bind mouse3 vstr duck


You might want to put that into a .cfg in your Base dir (e.g. autoexec.cfg).

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