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Communications Array


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Complete walkthrough to the Doomgiver Comm Level (PM me and let me know if there's any oversights or misinformation):



Doomgiver Comm


Secrets: 3


You begin in the observation room. 12 stormtroopers will storm in (hence the name) and attack. They are of minimal threat, the best tactic is to drop through the floor holes and put your back to the wall to defend until they all fall.


Once they're dead, you can go down the lift in the lower section.


Following the exit of the lift, there are 6 stormies and 2 blaster cannons so don't be eager about running around. Once they are all destroyed, hit the control on opposite the large door, this unlocks the doors and faces you with 4 stormtroopers and an autofire officer. The officer carries the security key which opens the supply room on the right. After you kill them & get any supplies you require, head to the lift but take care. There is a Level 4 Reborn in there. You may well kill him if you switch to hevay stance & swing ddown as you approach the door. If not, he often ducks sideways whereupon you can usually use a saber toss to trap and kill him.


Head down the lift and out into the next room. There is only one officer here, he carries a useful supply key. You may notice 2 openings protected by forcefields, these can be accessed shortly. I was stuck in this section for a long time until the roof grates were pointed out to me. There is one in both the right and left section. The right one leads to a secret as does the left but the left also leads to level progression. Beware of the interrogation droids that sit in the passages above, a lightsaber toss will take them out nicely. Cut through the floor grate and drop into the droid control room. Kill the officer and open the door before activating the panel the officer guards. Once you have opened the door, activate the panel and take control of the R5. You can now use it to get through those forcefields at the front of the main room. Be careful when moving through these areas as the R5 will be detected after a while, particularly if you get near the black protocol droid. Irrespective of the way you choose, your objectives are the same, open the door to give you access to the lift. If you chose to open both doors, you can go through and kill more troops and get more ammunition.


The lifts lead down to the tram stations. The rightmost lift leads to a room with an ammo recharge, the left to one with shields. Both empty into the same area so it doesn't matter which one you take. The next room is rather dangerous but a good place to use the much underused DEMP2 gun. In the next room, there are 2 war droids, 2 small gun droids (that are essentially treadmills with a blaster) and 2 cannons mounted on the roof of the upper level to be dealt with. Once the room is clear, look around and locate the area with vertical piping that leads over the pit. A secret lies to the left of these pipes to find a secret nestled in the wall. There is a glass section in the floor between the pipes, be careful when you drop through as you will encounter 8 interrogation droids in the tunnel below. You can saber-toss through these with ease and then proceed up the lift. There are 4 technicians in the room above who should pose no threat whatsoever to a trained jedi. Proceed through the door and into the tram control station. There are 4 trams you can activate, it makes little difference which one you choose, the lower 2 trams provide a slight tactical advantage as you will come under fire upon exiting either top tram. To provide the bounty of choice, activate all 4. The doors out of the section lead onto the catwalk that the blaster cannons were guarding (You see now why it's wise not to simply evade them). As you activate either door, a series of stormtroopers pour through the lower doors. Despite their numbers, they are easy to kill. One notable tactic is to drop to floor level and hide under the stairs, force pushing them into the pit below whilst defending from the troops across the way. Head through either lower door (I'd recommend the one with the shields since you'll probably have taken some damage) and enter the lower tram, activate it and ride it to the end.


Upon exiting the tram, rapidly destroy the 2 autosentries and prepare to defend from an attack. Several stormtroopers and an officer run around to engage you (The officer may not appear, it depends on which side you come in by). There is a third autosentry covering the corridor but slightly hidden in an alcove, a well tossed thermal detonator or a quickly placed blaster barrage will take care of it. As you approach the central door, the squad of stormtroopers from the other side head around and attack you. Once they are dead and the security key is yours, unlock the central door and prepare for another fight. 8 stormtroopers and 3 autosentries guard the room, 1 sentry can fire on you as soon as you enter, a good place for the repeater secondary fire or a thermal detonator but I'd recommend taking the troops out first. This room contains the main communications terminal for the Doomgiver but you cannot use it yet as you have to unlock the system.


Proceed out either door, kill the 2 stormtroopers and exit out into the comm access room. There is a circular floor lift you need to head down. The room below looks intimidating but it is unusually simple if you are good at jumping. Open your datapad and look at the code you need to activate. There is a console with a code in most of the rooms but there are only 3 you need to concern yourself with. The correct Red code is located in the room directly to the left of the entrance. You will need to do a little jumping to get there but nothing you shouldn't be able to handle by now. Activate the console with the red code and proceed out. Your next objective is the green code on the level below. Drop down and hit the green level. The room you are looking for now is directly on the right of the entrance. It is probably the most difficult room to get safely out of as there is no lip on the doorway but should still pose little problem. Activate the code and drop to blue level. The room you now seek is the one opposite the entrance in the centre. It can be tough to get to sometimes as it's easy to be disoriented. Once there, activate the code and proceed back to the lift. If you wish to obtain the final secret of this level, you must walk to the back of the roof of the room where the blue code is and look down, you may notice a small ledge below. Walk off the edge and guide your fall. After you have collected your bounty, force jump back directly up and keep trying to move onto the roof, this looks impossible but it's not, just keep trying. After you go back to the lift & head up to the comm-access room, enter each colour coded room and activate the code panel to lock the code in. You can now use the comm panel to call in the cavalry. Enjoy the cutscene of the X-Wings & Y-wings in glorious battle then head back into the comm access room again, your objective is the previously locked door behind the blue room. Enter here to finish the level.

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