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Help with npcs.cfg


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Ok I added a MP Maul model to spawn in SP. It looks like this in the npcs.cfg




playerModel ulthood

rank commander

saberColor red

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class tavion

snd kyle

sndcombat kyle

sndjedi kyle

yawSpeed 120

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

health 300

dismemberProbHead 10

dismemberProbArms 35

dismemberProbLegs 10

dismemberProbHands 50

dismemberProbWaist 10



Now I can spawn maul in SP with the "npc spawn maul" command, but the problem is that he has a gun stuck in his groin not in his hands and I wanted a lightsaber!


So I thought what if I just changed tavion's player model to maul's one and yep he has a saber alright but it's stuck in his body while it's ignited!


Maul swings ok but he swings with empty hands his saber is stuck in him! So could anyone please help me and tell me how to let maul use a lightsaber in his hands and not in his groin or in his body?


If ya want i'll post some pic's, it looks kind of funny!

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yeah altering the jedi npc's models or adding new ones in npcs.cfg does wierd stuff to their nether-regions



i would just replace tavions entry with mauls (still keep it called tavion at the top though)


but that means u couldnt use them bith at the same time


maybe replace one of the crap reborn with maul then it wouldnt matter much



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