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Help plz....


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Hi all


please can somebody please help with this.


Im am trying to get my second force power, the bit where you have to use the force to spin the Bits of wall to match that patterns on the floor. But my force wont let me, i can move the Floor pannels but not the ones on the wallls.


This small problems in getting to me now.


Thanks to all who help in advance.




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Hey, the wall pics dont move. They are just there as a guide. Move the floor tiles so that the pic on the wall matches the one centered on the floor. Once you have all the correct floor tiles pushed right or left so that the pic that matches the wall is in the center, the door at the end of the hall will open. This may be a bit confusing, but I hope it helps..I got stuck there too for a while, but I got the strategy guide, so once I tried everything I could think of I looked it up and felt kinda stupid, but dang it was a confusing puzzle. Good luck.




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