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another person stuck

Lord Eclipse

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Hey whats up guys desided to play some single player actiona nd im having a great time so far but i got stuck pretty early in the game second lvl i beleave. It starts with a cold chamber that you jump into run tot he wall go through the door and shut of the power coolers, then you go back in walk the ledge and advance to a catwalk, walk through a sliding door and end up in a duel catwalk room, on the top floor in the left most cornor when you enter you see 1 comander and 2 storm troopers who shoot you through the two windows, on the bottom floor the pylon in the middle is surrounded by blue water which does some nice damage, now theres 1 door and one force field walkway blocked off by the active force field, if i go through the unlocked door and through the hallway it opens to a vast empty room with three gun turrets, two on you lright on same wall you enter from and one on the far right wall. After destroying all gun turets, theres a locked door further along same wall as first door, at this point i dont know where to go or how to find the switch to either open the locked door or bring down the force feild in the hallway where the blue water is. I tried jumping through the window but it seems to small, this is the lvl right after you imput the comand codes on the first mssion and the bridge expands



Thanks in advanced

Lord Eclipse

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