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Configuring force keys for light and dark sides


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Is it possible to use the same keys for both the light side of the force and the dark side of the force (e.g. would it be possible to bind "C" to both choke and mind trick) in multiplayer? It's not as if I'm ever going to be able to use both sides of the force at once, so I may as well make things simpler for myself and not bother with extra keys. I apologise if this question has been asked before (or if it's otherwise really obvious).

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i use the same keys for both


i have a light.cfg and dark.cfg in my base folder


in my autoexec.cfg i have these binds to i can activate light or dark


bind F5 "exec light.cfg"

bind F6 "exec dark.cfg"


the content of light.cfg is

//Force Powers --- Light

bind w "force_absorb"

bind r "force_heal"

bind t "force_protect"

bind h "bind MOUSE3 force_distract; bind c vstr invexa"

bind n "force_healother" // Heal Teammate


the force distract bind for h is due to wanting to use mouse3 to activate several force powers. You disregard it and just put bund h "force_distract" if you want.


this is the dark.cfg

//Force Powers --- Dark

// note: the bind x vstr inxexa is to reset a key that affects MOUSE3 from autoexec.cfg

bind w "bind MOUSE3 +force_drain; bind c vstr invexa"

bind r "bind MOUSE3 +force_lightning; bind c vstr invexa"

bind t "bind MOUSE3 +force_grip; bind c vstr invexa"

bind h "force_rage"

bind n "force_forcepowerother" // Team Energize


here is the autoexec i use

//******************* Miscellaneous cvars ****************************

seta sensitivity "10.0"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

seta cg_dynamicCrosshair "1" //default

seta cg_saberAutoThird "1" // 0 doesnt work in mp

seta cg_gunAutoFirst "1"

seta cg_drawFPS "1" // draw fps on screen

seta r_allowExtensions "0" //fixes freeze bug in some cases


//****************** Miscellaneous controls ****************************

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "+altattack"

bind TAB "+scores"

bind b "+use"

bind a "saberAttackCycle" //cycles between 3 stances

bind y "" // blank bind

bind F1 "engage_duel"

bind F2 "" // blank bind

bind F3 "" // blank bind

bind F4 "" // blank bind

bind F5 "exec light.cfg"

bind F6 "exec dark.cfg"

bind F7 "exec autoexec.cfg"

bind F8 "exec jacob.cfg"

bind F9 "screenshot"

bind F10 "echo ^1one ^2two ^3three ^4four ^5five ^6six ^7seven ^8eight ^9nine ^10ten"// color check

bind F12 "quit"



//****************** Weapons **************************************

bind x "weapon 1; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind 4 vstr weap4a" // 1 lightsaber +reset keys 2, 3, and 4

bind q "echo ****^3THROWABLE; weapon 10; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind 4 vstr weap4a" // 0 throwable +reset keys 2, 3, and 4

// 2 bryar blaster

// 3 blaster rifle

// 4 Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

// 5 wookie bowcaster

// 6 heavy repeater

// 7 demp 2

// 8 flachette

// 9 Rocket launcher


// script for key 2 --- 8 flachette, 5 bowcaster

set weap2a "echo ****^3FLACHETTE; weapon 8; bind 2 vstr weap2b; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind 4 vstr weap4a"

set weap2b "echo ****^3BOW; weapon 5; bind 2 vstr weap2a"

bind 2 "vstr weap2a"


// script for key 3 --- 6 repeater, 3 blaster rifle, 2 bryar blaster

set weap3a "echo ****^3REPEATER; weapon 6; bind 3 vstr weap3b; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 4 vstr weap4a"

set weap3b "echo ****^3BLASTER ^4RIFLE; weapon 3; bind 3 vstr weap3c"

set weap3c "echo ****^3BRYAR ^4BLASTER; weapon 2; bind 3 vstr weap3a"

bind 3 "vstr weap3a"


// script for key 4 --- 9 Rocket, , 4 disruptor, 7 demp2

set weap4a "echo ****^3ROCKETS; weapon 9; bind 4 vstr weap4b; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 3 vstr weap3a;"

set weap4b "echo ****^3DISRUPTOR; weapon 4; bind 4 vstr weap4c"

set weap4c "echo ****^3DEMP2; weapon 7; bind 4 vstr weap4a"

bind 4 "vstr weap4a"


//****************** Inventory ************************************

set invexa "echo ^3BACTA; bind MOUSE3 use_bacta; bind c vstr invexb" // heals

set invexb "echo ^3SENTRY; bind MOUSE3 use_sentry; bind c vstr invexc" // stationary gun

set invexc "echo ^3SEEKER; bind MOUSE3 use_seeker; bind c vstr invexd" // floating attack droid

set invexd "echo ^3FIELD; bind MOUSE3 use_field; bind c vstr invexa" // forcefield

bind c "vstr invexa"


//***************** Chat ***********************************

bind i "messagemode" //regular chat

bind u "messagemode2" //team chat


//***************** Movement **********************************

bind s "+moveleft"

bind e "+forward"

bind d "+back"

bind f "+moveright"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind z "+movedown"

bind SHIFT "+speed"


//******************** Test ************************************

bind o "weapnext"

bind p "weapprev"



//**************** Force Powers --- Neutral **********************

bind v "force_seeing" //toggle

bind g "force_speed" //toggle

bind MWHEELUP "bind MOUSE3 force_throw; bind c vstr invexa"

bind MWHEELDOWN "bind MOUSE3 force_pull; bind c "vstr invexa""

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