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RS Mission 2: Operation Flashpoint


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After the alarm at drake's discharge, the group is already en route to a planet called Nagrash, where there is a big generator that provides power for the whole planet. According to scans, Stormtroopers are there. We do not know if they are imperial or are black troopers. There also appears to be bombs in the place. We must disable all of the bombs, or else this whole planet will explode from the power surge going through the power lines. We will only have around 5 minutes when we land. We have to do this quick. You are each being provided with a bomb disabling kit, so you can easily disarm them. The trick will eb to locate them.


We need ideas on how to do this, men. Any ideas you got, lay them on the table.

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Sir!! Do we know anything about these bombs?



I i had planed them they would have at lest 2 if not 3 triggers.


1 would by some kinda tampering trigger, that way if anyone starts messing with it in the wrong way, it goes off.


the second would be a remote trigger, like the one i set on the dent packs back on Hoth, it would alow the owner of these bomb to set them off all at once from wherever he or she is on the planet.


the third would be a timer, if they were something that i wanted to go off no mader what, there you go.



But i think the key to finding them is in a remote trigger, if we could find the fequcey that the remote is useing we should be able to track into the bombs.



occ- going up...

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we know they have a time limit. The troopers have told us so (the ones inside) They want their demands met. They are not going to get their demands met. There is probably a remote and a failsafe. That is what we are most likely to expect.

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"Sir! As a communications expert I can tell you it's almost impossible to have a fail safe that keeps someone from tapping the frequency. The only way that one could be set off is if we try tampering with it through the frequency. If you'd like I ought to be able to trace the bombs from here!"

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That is another problem. We are not sure how they are routed to control units. there could be one unit, or there could be one unit per person.If they really wanted to carry this through, they would have one unit per person.

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"Um, I say we blow a hole in the wall of the room that houses the stuff we wanna destroy, then shoot up everybody left, then blow the shield generator and get out of here", I say. Everybody looks at me and shakes their heads, wondering how in the name of the force I got to be the medic of this outfit.

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Daeken observes the clock again. 20 minutes left.


"Ok guys, I think I got us a plan. We are going to have to locate these bombs as fast as possible. After me analyzing the structure, it definitely has 8 majorpoints- 4 are in the main generator room, and four main support columns under the plant.


"Bevel, you will get the ones in the main generator room because you are the best with explosives. Shiirow, Moronii, and I will be taking the columns at the base. After we diffuse those, we will head up to the generator room to help you with the explosives.


"Now suit up, men. We have a planet to save.Bevel, I need you in 7 minutes to help me get this thing out of hyperspace."


With that, daeken leaves the room to get ready.

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daeken returns.


I'm not sure it is the imperials. They wouldn't blow up a planet this way. They'd use a death star or something. They don't usually bomb and blow up things like this.


It is probably those "troopers", as they call them. The only way we are going to be able to find out who these guys that appear to be stormtroopers are is to find Xelcia. We will have to see what we can get out of one of these troopers.


Daeken goes over to a wall and presses a button. daeken removes a heavy pistol and puts it in a side holster.


Take what you want, and get ready to move.


Also, take a jetpack. We're airdropping to the target. I can control the rogue spear with this remote.

*shows the group*

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