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RS Mission 2: Operation Flashpoint


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Bevel manages to disable both bombs without any trouble.


Ordoe disables his bomb.


Shirrow disables his bomb.


Daeken gets his bomb.


Moronii has trouble, but manages to get it done.


Ok, we are finished. Let's get out of here.


Finished: 30 seconds left.


The group heads to the roof, where the Rogue Spear drops a ladder for them to climb up the hangar bay. Once the group has all entered, he retracts the ladder and brings up the door. He then turns and runs for the cockpit, manuevering the controls with the remote. When he reaches, he spots a big blip on his radar. He looks out the viewscreen, and spots a strike cruiser heading towards the group.


"Bevel, up front! Everyone else, manage the gun turrets!"

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I jump into a turret and pull down a targeting screen with fully capable heat sensors and homing beacon launcer, and not be excluded fully operational with missile proof shields, harpoon launcher. But I set fire to the quad for now and scan the area for enemy fighters.




P.S. If you don't like my post I'll edit it.

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Moronii's turret happens to be the right side turret, which the strike cruiser happens to be on.


Same as with shiirow's.


Ordoe takes a bottom turret, which easily aims at the cruiser.


The cruiser is to the right and about 200 feet lower.


Daeken and bevel switch on the two turret guns and the ion cannons, and Daeken starts to pull the ship away as fast as it goes.

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GM Speak: I'm sorry for the delay in posting... I have been lazy and haven't gotten around to making the Stirke Cruiser which we are facing :D If dash would be so nice to make it, that'd be nice, but I can always do it :) Also, I'm gonna devise a picture of the transport and the cruiser.

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Since no one fired, I'm just gonna make a little post here. END SPEAK


"Bevel, take control of the ship. Turn us around, and then fire the ion cannons. We can take them, don't worry."


Daeken slides into the top-mounted turret, and moves it into position to fire.


A message is broadcasted to the ship:

"This is Admiral Derokov of the Galactic Empire. Power down your sheilds and weapons, or we will fire upon you. This is your only warning. You have 3 minutes to power down."


Daeken gives a command over the com: "All right , men, stay sharp. You want to aim for the ship, and try to concentrate fire on the ship. Don't worry about fighters; sensors scans show no fighters. Shiirow, I need you to switch to the second top turret. Ordoe and moronii, relocate to the front two guns."

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GM SPEAK: Oops, forgot to mention that the turrets are concealed, and have not been activated, so don't try shooting. Just move to your turret. well, they have been activated, but if you shoot, you will blow yourself up because of the magnasealed door hiding the turret :D

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The ship succesfully turns around, and brings its ions to bear against the cruiser.


"This is Derokov. STAND DOWN IMMEDIATELY! This is your Final Warning!"


*daeken activates the com*


"Final Warning My ass, let's get em! That's the signal, Bevel!"


*bevel flips a switch, and the quad guns and blaster cannons are revealed from the ship.*



GM SPEAK: Ok, wanted to tell you guys 2 things:

1. This mission has 2 endings: one if the spear gets trashed, and one if the cruiser does.

2. I am gonna upgrade your PC's, SC and HS.

3. Next mission, you will have the ability to go about yourselves.

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Daeken's blaster fire scores 2 hits from the total 2 shots fired.


Both of Shiirow's shots miss the cruiser.


2 of 3 of moronii's cannon shots hit the cruiser.


2 0f 3 of ordoe's shots hit the cruiser.


Bevel's Ion cannon smacks into the ship, causing major ion damage.

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