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Countering Pull-Kick Combo Spammers


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I've run into a few players that constantly use the pull-kick combo into a Heavy DFA strike. Is there a way to counter the pull-kick combo? Before I can get into range with the sabre they use this maneuver and I can't counter-attack with the sabre when being pulled and knocked over...

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-To counter pull just max force pull or force push ( don t know which one ... ) so he won t be able to pull kick you ....

-Use force absorb

-Mind trick so he doesn t know where to pull ...

- drain

-kick before he kicks you when he pull ya( require lot s of anticipation but it still work fine...


And i think that all ... ( there might be more ... )


Legend Of Khaydarin

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Your Force has to be low to be pulled, just make sure you keep your Force above 1/2 as much as you can.


If you know you are facing one, start a DFA or just a Heavy swing and when he Pulls you he's gonna be hurtin'. That will take some timing though.


Do your own flip-kick when he tries it on you.


When he Pulls, crouch and roll. You'll either roll right by him VERY quickly (make sure you aren't near a ledge) or at the very least you'll roll into him before he can react and hit jump to kick you.


Use Thermal Detonators or the Repeaters alt-fire, the both cause splash damage and he'll take some licks trying to take you down.


Other than that, just keep moving, they have to get close to kick you, and if you keep strafe-circling and moving, they'll never have a target to kick.

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