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Is it just me??


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I have recently started to attempt to map in JKRadiant. I have intermediate experience with mapping Q3 engine games with Wolfenstein. (I never actually released a map publicly... :rolleyes: )


I am very comfortable in GtkRadiant. I think it is a great editor (with many bugs, but still..) I figured JKRadiant would be somewhat similar to Gtk....boy are there some significant differences!! Maybe I haven't found the option to change this but is it just me or is the 3D view virtually impossible to work with. The absence of the right click>move in complete 3D is unbearable. Having to shift your hand all across the keyboard to move steps at a time is killing me. And the lost functionality of the 2D view as well has me a little down. I can deal with the 2D view.


I guess I have 2 main questions:


1. Is there a way to configure JKRadiant to allow the 3d movement with a right click.


2. Has any used the patch (from JediknightII.net) or configured GtkRadiant to build their maps, and then load them into JKRadiant for compile?



One final question:

3. If question #1 above is false...has anyone heard of any updates planned that would "fix" this?


I may be wrong, but I refuse to beleive I am the only one suffering these woes. I so badly want to create a map for JK but I just get too aggrevated with the controls.


Doh! Just forgot...another question:

I have compiled a small room in JKRadiant but wasn't sure where to actually put the .bsp file. I have the option checked to run the engine after compile but that has never worked. My question is where should the .bsp file be placed in order to do a "devmap mapname.bsp" from a console. I got it to work once by placing the .bsp in all sorts of directories, but when I made some changes and tried again, I was unable to figure out where the file should actually be in order to load.


Sorry for the rambling...just frustrated...as I'm sure we all know very well.


Thanks for any help you can give me with my issues.

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Yeah I understand what your saying. The 3D ability that I am referring to (like in Gtk) is right clicking once, which puts your focus in the 3D window, then the mouse is used like in the gameplay. You look around with your mouse and use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward, back and side-to-side. Sorry if I confused anyone..



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Originally posted by mapmaker

And in order to compile your map you must place the .map file in the 'maps' folder which is located in the 'base' folder. Then, when you compile, a .bsp file will be created alongside the .map file.


I am not home right now...but I'm almost positive that that's what I did. The only difference is I moved just the .bsp file to the maps directory. I can't imagine why but do you need anything else in the maps directory along side of the .bsp?



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