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Hammerhead FX / JOYSTICK 2 issues


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My system has 2 game controllers, a MS Sidewinder hooked up through the gameport on my soundcard, and a USB Hammerhead FX from Interact.


Now I have 2 problems. Jedi Knight II **REFUSES** to accept a 2nd joystick, and will only let me set up the Sidewinder. The sidewinder sucks for games like this. It will not let me set up the Hammerhead.


2nd problem: The profiler I have for the Hammerhead (from the original interact disc) DOES NOT WORK and tells me I have no interact devices attached.


Here's the weird thing... My control panel says the interact device is working fine. I have no device conflicts, the controller works fine in other games as a second joystick, and even the control panel for game controllers shows it working perfectly, and I can set it up in there. Problem is, since the profiler won't accept it, I can't re-map the buttons to keyboard keys.




If anyone has an idea or a solution to either getting Joystick 2 to work in JK2, or getting Interact's profiler and JOYACT.exe program to work right, please post a reply as I definitely want to use this controller for the game! Thanks!


The Hammerhead Fx model I'm using is the USB SV-262F, and I have the most current drivers, it's not a driver problem.



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