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Breakable grating and a mounted gun


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Having a little trouble with breakable grating. I've created the grates and given them func_breakable but in game they are only solid on one side and when they break there are red, green and blue "vertices" displayed for the broken grating peices.

I'm also looking to use the gun/cannon model that you can sit in and use on the sp levels, tho I don't actually want it to be usable, just there for show. Can't seem to find it in the assets pk3's.

Can anyone help with those 2 questions? Thanks for any help you can give :)

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creat a brush, right click for the entity list and pick:


then with the gun still selected press the n key and tick the inactive box, that should prevent anyone getting into and using the gun.


As for the grating. I assume you created a brush, picked a texture then changed it to func_breakable with no edits to the entites command list. If this is correct then it should work... if not try adding one of the material commands to the entity like this.

Select the func_breakable, press n and add the command:



That should give you the default metal chunks upon destruction of the grate.

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The red, blue, green spires represent a modeled object, in this case the 'chunks', that is not present in the referring pak file - OR the pointer to them has a bad address.


Happened alot in Quake 3 & Quake 2/Half-life with all the heavy modding and make-yer-own prefabs/models/etc.


Try to find the name of the object and rebuild the pak file accordingly. That usually fixes the problem.


When you see the spires, go to the console and read the text printed there. Should provide a clue. Also, look in the console upon map load, you may see it then as the engine alloc's all the data and discovers missing stuff.


Hope that helps.



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