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how do i add .MD3s?


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I think most people by now most have found out the the misc_model entity doesn't work probably, you'll have to use misc_model_breakable for the model to actually show up. Just remember that the SOLID command doesn't work for some reason. So if you don't want people walking through you md3, you'll have to create a series of clip brushes around it.


Hope this helps :)


UPDATE: Just been "reminded" that misc_model entitiy DOES work... just have to edit the file location a little to stop the error messages. Just press n and delete everything before model/ in the models location command (I know this wasn't you question, but I'm mentioning it for the benefit of those who want to correct me, lol.), for some reason, radiant doesn't like long location names.

You still have to create clip brushes around the model to stop players running through it though (ya would think Raven would have made the SOLID command work... especially considering how many md3's they use in their maps!).

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