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how can i lower my ping?


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first of all put in console /rate 10000.


Its will help for some ppls. But yes upgrade your internet connection to cable modem or better. Why not play on server you have good ping ?



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"

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1)Make sure your comp is not runnin a bunch of applications.

2)dont use that piece of crap gamespy, it sucks. Go download the All Seeing Eye. I believe its at upsoft.com.

3)Get your hair cut.

4)Put Caddyshack on the vcr just to hear the "I'm alright" song.

5)Try changing your internet connection to RASPPPOE, instead of WANPPPOE or whatever you are using. RAS tweaks you connection slightly, but you should notice the difference in the pings you get.

6)Don't wear white after labor day. You've got all summer to wear it, but come the end of summer pack up the tennis toggs for the winter.

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I was running DSL and I was 9.5 km from teh server station. I got pings from 85-120 dependant on teh server. Best way to tweek your connection is setting things up through a router. Thats what I used, and I got surprizing changes in my ping.


before router - 130-996 ping


after router - 85 - 250 ping


Also, try playing on a server that pings well 4 u ... As said by Rayne...Why play on a server that doesn't ping good?

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