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Easy way to get a kill!!


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Ok i was messin around and found out a way that with kill the person 98% percent of the time. Sadley you must be a darkside fighter!


Ok this is what you do


1:Pick up a E-11 Blaster. Works best but u can still use another wep.

2:Get Grip on someone. Get the full using of grip on the person, if this is done wen the person is dropped they cant fight back or blakc for about 2 seconds, but keep in mind they can still run. in that 2 sec. limit use the E-11 and blast him with the second mode of fire.


I have found this to work very well. you dont have to use the E-11 but i find it the easiest way to preform this.


Hmmmm I think I'll call it

uhhh i dont know u guyz think of some... hehe


:atat: BOOM!!~~!!

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better yet, run up and backkick him. I always let someone get the full grip on me. I dont even fight it any more. then when the let me down I run right at them and give them a kick to the face. they never expect it cause your all grabbing your throat. (*Leelink laughs hysterically thinking back to the first time he did it*) and i follow up with a heavy slice after the back kick has knocked them to the ground. I'm the other 2% and unfortuneatly your move on me would result in death everytime : )


Good try though.

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Well for those of us who play sabers only... Whats an easy way to get kills like that? Sneak in a gun? Throw them in a hole?


Nah... I guess the heavy jump works just as good heh.



People actually play this game with GUNS!? I thought everyone played it for the sabers :confused:

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hehe my favorite anti-grip technique is pull.....I also love to do it when the Grip/Push'rs get too cocky...jump straight up and keep aim on target and pull, they go flying over instead of you....dont get me wrong, I have nothing against anyone who grips or pulls or drains....its all the different skills that make it more fun to play the way I or you want too...just my 2 ents

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