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Ns-streets Help


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I need help with the NS-Streets. I have gone back and forth through the mission 2 times. Everyone is dead and i dont know what to do. I found a door across a water way. The way was blocked by a pipe with sparks coming out. But i blew that thing up and the door still wont open. The control panel on the floor about that doesnt seem to have any function that i can see ( it wont even turn on or off ) and I tried jumping on the floating car thing but that did nothing. Just tell me where the end is!

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If you destroyed that pipe so the water isnt under power anymore you should be albe to jump on the next floor.

after that there is a garbage holder where u can jump at.

then pull the next one too you. after that you can jump on a garbage car (or whatever) and that brings you too the next level. (use push on any traffic lights you see)

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