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stuck in Jedi Academy chasing Desann


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after you see Desann in the mirror, and then you see his shadow run through that wall and you run you always fall. I've tried jumping across that but with no luck. is that they way to do it? just by jumping, or is there some secret trick? thanks...:jawa

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Yeah man, i was stuck there forever too. Turns out that you can make the jump across that wall, but there's nothing there, the walls aren't even colored, and you need your light goggles just to see. Better not to try to jump over it and double back, the 4 way room that you're in now, well just to get oriented, north i'll say is the mirror, south is the fire gauntlet, east is the fake wall/floor and west where you wanna go. there's a column of fire blocking the floor at the end of the chamber, look for a pipe overhead that's dripping and slash it, it'll douse the flames. Continue on your way.

for future reference whenever I get stuck in that game for more than 10 minutes i just go to http://www.gamefaqs.com then jedi knight 2 is one of the top most used faqs. The third faq on the page is the best one that i've found. Good luck.

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i, too was stuck there for a long time.


after you doused the flames in the west path, you'll see a hole on the ground, so jump there. then you'll see four directions, 3 of which has a switch. you can activate them with a force push. 2 of these switches would open up a path; you'll know this, because the switches themselves are the walls that move backwards. go in the secret path.


within this path, you won't IMMEDIATELY see another switch (because it's almost at kyle's knee!!) just push it with the force, then go back to the 4 directions, and you'll notice that the wall without the switch is already open. then follow the crushing walls, then it's the final fight with dessann.


marshall banana:fett:

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In the 4 direction room [fake wall, mirror, fire wall and fire guns] go to the corridor with a fire wall. On the ceiling ther is a pipe (it's leaking). Just blast it, and after a while the fire wall will be gone.

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