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greetings ragamuffins!


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The glories of Jah and the seasons to you all


I'm just a rasta from Seattle endeavoring to learn your community and enjoy playing Online.


Tomorrow i will unleash this product on my new very strong computer. Any tips for a dread thats just trying to hang in Seattle and enjoy this fun?



thanks, and much love and reparations for your faith!



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greatings young padawan.... welcome.


"ragamuffen" what did you just call me?:D :D :D


here *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM* enjoy.


re: tips.


do not be put off by the whiners, thats all they are: whiners.


play how ever you feal, but if the server has rules, please play by them. dont like somthing? then leave. dont whine, there must be a server that will fit your needs.


if you need help, dont be afraid to ask for help here or in the chat channel.(irc channels are linked to on the main page. tell um SPY sent you;))


most of all, HAVE FUN! if you dont then its not worth it....

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Thanks friend, and no offense for we are all ragamuffins in the tides of the world...



I fully intend to have fun and will not be deflected in that pursuit.

By this time tomorrow I shall be enthralled in the Jedi path.


Thanks for your greeting. I will conduct myself by your sound advice when i venture online.

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