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New Mapper Here Plz Help Me


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I just started mapping, seems pretty easy after fiddling around for a while but i still lack a lot of knowledge. I was wondering if someone could post me a good site that could tutor me what to do. I can make walls and such but I dont know how to test my map. Any help would do, on saving the map, or any few pointers plz. Thank u all

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well i guess we were all new to mapping once so itll only cost you your first born child for these answers...just kidding...



that is the closest thing you are going to get for a tutorial...any other questions that come up...search thru the forum here becuase alot of times your questions have been answered long before you posted yours...and although people will still help you sometimes its faster to just do the searching...

and as for saving...make sure you save it to your base map directory quite often cause radient has some issues...and also before you can try your map you need to bsp the map to be able to view in jk2.... then when all your changes are finished you need to make a pk3 so other people can play it etc... check bubbas tutorial on this..

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