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OH Lord Please someone help me...


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Sorry bout that guys, but Forums got laggy in the middle of posting last night and apparently my post never made it, though the thread did.


I have been trying to get my skin to work for over a week now, I've done everything I know to do, I've been over the tutorial more times than I care to talk about. Could someone proficient at skinning allow me to send them my skin and put it together for me so it will work? Or at the least look it over and tell me what is wrong with it and allow me to fix it. I primarily want the skin for single player (to play as myself kindof) but I can't even get the skin to work in multiplayer. If someone could look it over, please do so. I'll email it to anyone who is willing to help a poor, deranged and extremely irritated guy out.


Please let me know, thanks.


If anyone wants to see if they can trouble shoot it with me, just send me an email at LeeLeifeste03@yahoo.com. Thanks.


Lee Leifeste

a.k.a. Lee Wyndwalker

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