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Video problems on Yavin_Swamp... =(


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I have played the game all the way to that level (yavin_swamp) and everything was fine. Although my 3d card is quite old (GeForce Pro), it still ran the game quite well. When I reached the yavin swamps, something went ugly. Very ugly.

You know that brown color the sky in swamps has? Well the screen was "blinking" with that color. When I went into the main menu, the jk2 and the star wars logo were blinking too.

Yes, I realize that swamps is probably a very hard level to run on a above-minimal-requierments system (733mhz, 256mb ram, 38gb, Ge Force Pro, Direct X 8.0), but it still ran the other levels.


What do I do?

Do I turn every video option to the lowest I can?



Please help me...



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