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The lightsaber is a weapon, not a tool for lighting up dark places!

General Theros

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Hmm, several have already pointed out that, how about you did some reading, before you post? ;)


(unneccesarry to repeat, i think)







Same goes for you, i sense, he didnt ask how to prevent, he asked what make people do what they do, not how to prevent it (well, thats sums it up really, even though the post had more than that to it...) :)

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Originally posted by General Theros

That would be cool to be able to disable certain force powers. But it wasn't what I was getting at. I think all of 'em have there place. But it just seems to me the over use of the exact same tactic over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .....etc....would get boring and wouldn't bring any enjoyment whatsoever. Obviously these people do....but why? That is all I ask! Why? Why not take advantage of a great system and the coolest weapon known to man?? :)


General Theros


If someone is using one tactic so often, you should take a long look at yourself and think "why haven't I managed to counter this yet?". People use a tactic that gets them kills, if you don't protect yourself or discourage them from using it, why on earth should they sabotage their own game?

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Most people enjoy themselves knowing they can beat other players. They don't join a server to have a nice looking saber-fight (if that'sall you want play a low-force server, or watch the movies again) they want to beat you.


It is deathmatch! They want kills. It is a teamgame! They want to thrash your team. (Or they want kills, and should be playing a different game.)


It sounds like you want that star-wars Galaxies game.

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When I first started playing this game, I didn't think it particularly mattered what kind of weapon you used, just as long as you were civilized and played to win or have fun.


Oh, how naive I was.


Ok, here's my 2 cents (although it'll probably inflate to four). Why does it matter if someone uses the Force or their saber? As HPYE/// put it, being a Jedi takes more than just prowess with a lightsaber. If all you do is swing the saber a lot, then you aren't as close to being a Jedi as all those pushers/pullers/drainers/etc. A Jedi uses the Force, and all those people using the Force on you are probably closer to being Jedi Knights than you (of course, you do realize that the Jedi Knights do not actually exist). Yes, it gets annoying, but just as you like using the saber, they like using the Force.

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