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Well, I don't know if this has been discussed already.


Some may have noticed that there is a bug (or is it on purpose?) that lets you do huge jumps in nf games in certain areas. I wonder if this will be removed in future patches. I've recorded some quick demos. In case s.o. is interested in what I'm talking about :).




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never happened on any server ive ever played on ever


and there was no jump sound so its not a jump, no roll so its not a superhigh ramp launching inexplicable oddity


the only thing it remotely resembles is someone using the noclip cheat, which is what i think it must be

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That's wrong. I did all these moves on all servers I've played on .


There is no cheat. And I've seen the first move showed on the deathstar map been done by others, before I figured out how to do it.


To do these moves (another thing I forgot) hold down jump, then forward (still hold down jump) from where you want to jump off.


Of course it's not a jump, that's why the subject says "bug?".


In some cases these moves are useful if you use them in ff, since they go higher.


I'm sure there are more possible moves on other maps, I didn't check all maps.

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