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New Cheats in MP


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i was playing my game and i came up with what whould happen if i put sp cheats in mp so i put in devmap ctf yarvin and it said starting up so it did and it had cheats are on so i put god and what game up god mode on and i said cool so i put in give all and that worked as well.


but when i did put in give all it gives you 999 ammo is that cool i think so





go and try it really does work

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Oh dear god... so many possibilities for flameitude... i hardly know where to begin... ohmagod... its like hes soaked himself in tar, swallowed a keg full of kerosene and is now standing on top of a big stack of jiffy cubes on a hot dry day... oh man.... oh jesus i dont know where to begin.... i could bust out the all purpose FlameMaster 9k with built in idiot-roasting action, or i could just use a pocket lighter to catch his tar soaked clothing... or maybey i could just use the focal point of the magnifying glass on my swiss army knife to set the poor sucker ablaze. Or should i stab him a few times first to make the point really sink in? Argh flaming possiblity overload!! Too much stupidity to deal with at once... conscious mind cant cope!!!!


<the incessant tone of a flatlining heart rate follows>

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<a freak lightning strike jolts the heart back into action>


I especially like the "Yarvin" level, its funny because r is not in any part of the map name, nor is it adjacent to a key of any letter which is in the mapname. No, no im just gonna let it go.... if i stop to poignantly dissasemble the psyche of every person who posts a damn stupid topic with the rapier-like slashes of my wit then ill never make it off the boards.


Lets just call it a troll post and leave it at that. Maybey if we ignore it it will go away.


Yes i will be flamed for my response, so sue me, its a weakness of mine to persecute stupidity with what i arrogantly perceive to be my superior intelligence and equally superior world view. Thats pretty much what you were going to say wasnt it? Yeap, though so :D :D :D



The collective intelligence of these boards decreases daily.

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Darksider - can I suggest a pacemaker for that heart of yours?


Just try not to play polo when you have it implanted. And for the love of god - If you do play polo, don't fall off the horse, and try not to own any TV stations. It could very well end up in your children buying into failed telecommunications companies.

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Originally posted by JEDI OUTCAST

i was playing my game and i came up with what whould happen if i put sp cheats in mp so i put in devmap ctf yarvin and it said starting up so it did and it had cheats are on so i put god and what game up god mode on and i said cool so i put in give all and that worked as well.


but when i did put in give all it gives you 999 ammo is that cool i think so





go and try it really does work



Hey, You There! Cheats arn't that fun. I like one cheat and one cheat only, Dual-Sabers. Thats because its adds more skill to the game. But other chats are dumb. Unless noclip is in use of course. But the rest suck. God mode? Give all? why would you want that? if cheats are on, than no one can die, and it just gets boring.



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