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After playing jk2, i realised the perfect mod for it would have to be a starcraft themed mod. It could be a multi player team game where you choose your race, being terran, zerg or protoss .The possibilities would be endless and you could easily fit the lightsabers in as the would be for the protoss as the arm sabers (or whatever they were called)

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Wow that is a really brilliant idea if i knew programming i'd be with on this one all the way. Yes the sabers could go on the protoss arms very good! . But to make models especially the zerg would take some time but everyone out there if u haven't played or seen starcraft you have to check it out and then you'll definetly say yes to this kinda mod. Just one question though? will it mp or sp or both? Infact if u make a mod like starcraft for this game u could end up making and entirley new game! But thats just what i think its up too u but great idea. :D

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