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Models Annoying The Heck Out Of Me Why Is It Still A Box


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im trying to import a X-wing model that i extracted from the assets0 file but when i create a misc_model entity it and i choose the path name for my model its says CAN"T OPEN MODEL i shortened the location to just models\map_objects\ships\xwing.md3

but i still get that error then when i look the little box is still a box in the editor and not my model what the hells wrong

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try this, select misc_model from the list you get when you press your right mouse button, when i do this my entitys browser also pups up along with the file browser


instead of using the file browser, type key: model

value: models/map_objects/imp_detention/tie_fighter.md3


in the entity browser, press enter, the model should now show, cancel the file browser window and your done.


well that works for me....

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hmmm yeah


u cant do it cause its not part of the map can u?


that sux


raven did it in the level with the prisoners waiting to be picked up

(artus topside) maybe they used a script or something


gonna have to try and figure this one out too



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