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Need help using Adobe Photoshop


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I would like to use Photoshop to do some skinning but whenever I save a file in photoshop, the Mod Viewer seems unable to load it when displaying the model which means the game would almost certainly crash if I tried to use the skin. I'm positive it has something to do with the way Photoshop saves jpgs.


I found another post which reported a similar problem. One response suggested saving the file as a bmp and then using Microsoft paint to save it as a jpg. I've tried this method without success.


I know people are successfully using photoshop to do this but no matter what I try and I can't get it to work. Would somone who is using photoshop please be kind enough to give me a run down on how they save their files? I've tried every setting I can find from low quality to high, but clearly I am missing something.





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I figured it out. It had nothing to do with photoshop. It was because I'm a moron. I'd created a new folder for the skin I was creating and had basically copied everything over to it from a base skin I was starting from. The problem was I didn't modify the directories in the .skin file accordingly so everytime I modified a file and renamed it, that file no longer worked. I was changing the name of the file in the .skin file, but not fixing the directory path so naturally Mod Viewer couldn't load it.


Thanks for your help.




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