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The community has gone bad/ I am offering a training service


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Close to my tactic there: I spend the time making sure they know the basics and the moves first, then unleash them into the cold cruel world for actual practice.


You can show em the moves, but from there they must learn and adapt that information into their own fighting style. I just try and make sure they don't get pissed off with their "ineptitude" before giving the game a chance. (I know I nearly did).


I think it's also trying to drum into them the importance of paying attention to other peoples habits: bowing, not killing while the saber is off, that kind of thing. If they learn what is accepted by those on the same server then they won't suffer from being booted by angry players. I don't really care whether people agree with the etiquette or not, I just want them to respect it. I personally maintain these "traditions" myself, out of courtesy to those others who "taught" (by cold hard combat :> ) me my skills, and because I like them. Simple as that really.

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Originally posted by DarkSaber-<ZeN>

Killing people with lightsaber's off is reasonable, be a spectator if you want to watch.


Well I hate it when I turn off my light saber to challange someone and the do a DFA on me. If you don`t want to duel just taunt me and I'll take out my saber.


I haven't played any game with more whiners since JK2!


Never forget counter-strike!



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