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Your Aspects on Stormies since JO?

Obi-Wan X

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Since I have gotten JO, I have seen some pretty funny conversations in JO, and I have a whole new respect on Stormtroopers now :D. Tell me your stories on how a stormie made you mad, or you decided to help them because of something they said in JO. Minor spoilers though, just small ones :). Once in JO, a stormie practically went crazy over an officer. ( I am sure you know the scene, the level in which you can NOT be seen, or gameover.). When he said that, I was kind of bored. So...I proceeded to take out 1 officer. I then sniped another one :D. Sometimes I feel somewhat bad for those idiot, underrated idiots. Although most of the time, I grip them over a ledge or so for there idiot comments. Excuse me if this Thread has been posted before, although I just wanted to hear some stories :rolleyes:


1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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Stormies are cool. They are also a great stress reliever. There is nothing better than running into a room full of stormies, jump and use Pull.


But I'm not sure they are the crack commandos Palpatine believes:D

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yeah, palpatine must of expected an easy victory with the whole "an entire legion of my best troops awaits them" and they all die from a small rebel group and teddy bearish creaures with rocks and bow@arrows...i dont think they were meant to fight, just to stall time so the machines could think of something to do

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the best is when they run after you kill their commander. If you run after one, they stop and put their hands up as if to say " ok, you got me dude". Sometimes they kneel. Its cool cause I just use force grip and slam them halfway across the room.

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I always considered Storm Troopers to be lowly conscripts that are in uniform just because they have to. They certainly aren't the crack troops of the empire and they are definately not a product of the Imperial Academy. They are regular G.I.s waiting for their service to be up so they can go home and be nerf herders:D

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I think the stormtroopers in JO are great, they are allmost the same as in the movies, same type of conversations, same stupidities. It's great when they surrender and put their arms up in the air, wide open for an attack, hehe.

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I think the stormtrooper AI is underrated.


Granted, the speech is hilarious, and sometimes they do some absurd things, but before you get the lightsabre they can be surprisingly bright. They dodge around and run away when injured, and they actually DO try to get behind you when they yell it in an open space.


So there are a few bugs... leave them alone. You think they volunteered to be in this game? All the half-competent AIs got sent off to MOHAA to become snipers and things.

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