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server config files - when loaded?


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Hi.. I'm coming from running counter-strike servers, so this is a totally new arena for me. :)


We just got a JK server.. 10 player. Currently it is setup as a duel w/ no force. That part is running fine.


My first question is about the config files. I'd like to be able to switch to CTF, or FFA, but I don't know how the config files work other then renaming the server.cfg file and rebooting the server.


In CS, when the map changes, the config file is reloaded. Does JK work the same way? Is it possible to execute a cfg file from within the game to change it to CTF or FFA? When the map changes, would it just go back to duel???



This is fun, and yet frustrateing not knowing anything. :(





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There are a couple ways you could do this.



In game, you could type into the console -


/rcon exec yourconfigname.cfg


That will load whatever .cfg you want.


Note - some variables will not be set until the map change.



Or you could write a custom map change .cfg


create a couple of new .cfg files with the different settings for each play type.







and put something like this in the maps.cfg -


set d1 "exec ffa.cfg ; map ffa_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "exec ctf.cfg ; map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d3 "exec duel.cfg ; map duel_carbon ; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1

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Jedi Runner has, among other things, a "map wizard" that will allow you to select maps and assign different game types and option on a per map basis that you might find useful.


If you would like more information please e-mail me direct at Alphextwin@gameadmins.com


Kind Regards,



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