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How i can insert a model?


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This has been asked and answered many times now. Do a search for what you need next time before posting, it'll save you time.


Create a brush and right click for entities. Pick misc>misc_model, then pick the model you want when the selection box pops up.

You then have to edit the entities properties because Radiant doesn't like long files names, so press n and edit the model files location by deleting everything before models/.

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Unfortunately the solid command doesn't work (ask Raven, they did it :( ).

The only option we have to make something solid is to cover it with a clip brush. Either use one solid brush (the easy route but makes it look like you actually walking several feet above the model), or the painstaking task of making clip brushes around each individual surface of the model (thats what Raven had to do... makes you wonder why they disabled the solid command :confused: ).

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some people neither have the time or patients to clip cover a model (myself included, rather spend the time making my maps).

Maybe some helpful soul would consider making clip brushes for all the models and releasing them in a zip for people to use... would make a hell of alot easier for all.

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