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Laggy Lan!? Help!


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I am playing between 2 fast computer both 1.8 Ghz, but there is a lot of lag on one of them. I'm playing through my "network" which is basically 5 computers plugged into a hub with a cable modem on the other end. Is there a way to easily improve game performance? Maybe a setting for a faster LAN game without having a deicated server? Thanks!

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It sounds like you are having some packet loss problems. Are your network cables very long? Which type are they (BNC or RJ45? - round or rectangular connectors?)


Also, you might want to see if other people are using the network at the same time, which would also reduce the bandwidth available to the game. Kill off any network spanning virus scanners or chat progs too.

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I assume the one without lag is the server computer. First, check to make sure when there's lag, that there isn't some internet activity going on, and you'll just have lots of packet collisions. If that IS the case and you're playing between two computers only, you can just direct connect the two systems while playing. Or you can just buy a switch.

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