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[RK] CTF Recruiting


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If you are one of the elite CTF players this is for you. The Rogue Knights are now recruiting for our CTF division. Please be mature and a good player. Also please don't join if you get on once a week. We are looking for active members. If you are interested e-mail me or post a reply. Here is some info you might want to know:


CTF Leader: [RK]Commie


AIM#: TheCommie777


Server Location: Houston, Texas


If interested in join please contact:


CTF: Commie - sdogg_@hotmail.com


SERVER IP's: 28070 (Duel Server) 28071 (TFFA Server)

Our CTF server will be up soon.


URL: http://xplosive-precision.net/ (We will be getting hosted soon as well)


Please consider us if you would like to choose a clan.


[RK]Commie aka Luke

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Would be nice to get some more CTF people... I can pretend to do training after 10:30 pm cst most nights, and if we get enough ctfers we can make the "saberists" groan as we use them for practice, not to mention having the critical number of people to make tournement games at all the wierd hours of the day.


We even have a person who is rumored to be able to do the jumps in bespin consistantly(person isn't me)


You can get most of the wonderful contact information from the first post. The forum on the webpage is a normal ezboard one so it isn't too hard to stop by and say high. Techsupport will be provided in setting up all the tools of the trade.


[RK]Faucon - abuser of the Tavion model (edit - In a good way)

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