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Another special move, or just combo?


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This happens at least in medium (yellow) stance, perhaps in heavy (red) as well. I haven't been able to dublicate the move which I'll explain below, it does happen though, if only rarely.


When you do this move, you spring forward bit like in the Lunge move in light (blue) stance. How ever I think the step your model takes is longer and instead of a stab, you do a wide (180 or so) swing which covers the area in front of you. It also feels like the camera would move slight from behind your character to the side, although that might just be my imagination.


If you've done this move, can explain it or know how to do it please reply.

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So the model actually hits backwards? I haven't noticed that although I know the move you're talking about. Battles are always so quick paced to notice things like that, thanks.

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Reply to #2, No you are talking about the backstab moves not the #1 topic is talking about.

That move is somehow executed when you are using the medium stance; do lots of spinning attacks, jumps and then when you land this move sweeps the area infront of you with one hand.

I find it very hard to execute and Im still trying to find a way to do this move at will.

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Originally posted by Etz

When you do this move, you spring forward a bit like in the Lunge move in light (blue) stance.


the one your talkign about swings backwards ina a slow arc. this one goes foreward, and i've seen it done, and have done it myself occasionally. I still have yet to figure it out. While the backwars special is cool, and does some mighty dammage, its not the same as were talking about.

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I agree, I just tested the medium (and heavy) backward swing and it isn't the one I was talking about. I don't think I've ever done the move with my first strike so I'd gather you either have to press series of keys to pull it off, or the move is part of a combo.


I find it quite refreshing that there may still be (mostly) unknown moves in JK2, as it's always fun to find them. Raven should also be able to add more in future patches should they so decide (sadly I doubt they will, not many at least).

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I find the idea of new special move or combo pretty interesting so hopefully people will reply and keep this thread alive. I'm not going to bump it up every 10 minutes.


Anyway I'll reply here (or in new thread if this dies off) should I find something new about this.

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This soudns kinda like the straight left or right + attack move - a wide sweep in the appropriate direction. You don't want to add forwards/backwards into that as it gives a radically different move.


At least I think that's the one you mean.

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No I don't think that's it. In the move I'm talking about the model actually stops moving, then takes long step forward with one feet and swings the saber in front of him. I haven't been able to do it while on my own server (alone, with out bots). So it's possible you need to have opponent in front of you before you can do it.


The animation of the move is quite unique, and I'm pretty sure you'll understand if you see it done.

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That really does sound like the move that you pull off in medium stance where a player is behind you and you press backwards and attack. Your player stops, the camera moves a bit and one-handedly the player swings his\her saver in large arc at the opponent.


BTW you can pull this move off and then turn to face them.... maybe thats what you were doing so you didnt pick up on the fact that it is executed by facing away from them.


Hope that helps.


For the record I don't think enough time was spent on saber dueling by the designers and secret buried combo moves just do not exist. Wait for mods though. w00t!

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Originally posted by Florp Incarnate

That really does sound like the move that you pull off in medium stance where a player is behind you and you press backwards and attack. Your player stops, the camera moves a bit and one-handedly the player swings his\her saver in large arc at the opponent.


BTW you can pull this move off and then turn to face them.... maybe thats what you were doing so you didnt pick up on the fact that it is executed by facing away from them.


Hope that helps.


For the record I don't think enough time was spent on saber dueling by the designers and secret buried combo moves just do not exist. Wait for mods though. w00t!


I already said that, but Etz mentioned just now that he can do it without anyone near him, the backstab moves requires a person to be behind you to make it work, so this must be a unique move.


Someone with Modview or something can take a look to see what it is I guess. But that takes the fun out of it, really.

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Well actually I said I *haven't* been able to do it alone. Although maybe I was bit unclear with that. Anyhow I still don't think it's the backward swing, it's possibel yes but the move looks too different for me.


I'll have to test using the backwards swing and try and turn myself towards the target, I'll reply here after I've done that (but not just now, I just woke up :))

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