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Please fix detpack, trip mine hotkey!!!!


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I don't know if the developers really read this forum, but I really hope the fix the problem with hotkeying throwable weapons in the next patch.


I've bound my throwable weapons to capslock and it's suppose to cycle through the throwable weapons i have, but instead it only does TD's, forcing me to cycle through ALL of my weapons to get to trip mines or det packs.


Thank you for listening.

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bump.. but please :) sometimes it works, like when you have a TD and trip mines, then it'll cycle through, but when you pick up just a trip mine or det pack, it wont switch. its a small big thing for me.

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I have the same problem with the default binding.


I cannot cycle to detpacks or trip mines in multiplayer, and can only use thermals, just noticed it while i was testing a map.

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