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What? Too Many Textures??


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Yah, well...I've narrowed down the problem I posted about earlier today. It appears that after putting in block (texture..or whatever ya call it) after block that I reach a certain number. Though I don't know what the number is, its still a problem because everytime I exceed that number of blocks (textures...whatever) Radiant no longer completely compiles. It makes a .bak and .lin map but goes no further. Obviously, most people don't have this problem. But if anyone has had it, can you tell me how to resolve it? And perhaps those who haven't perhaps give their Radiant settings? Please help if possible. I'm getting desparate. :evanpiel:


Thanks :D

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1st thing i would try befor egetting all drastic...is delete the old .bsp.... .bak and .lin... do not delete the map file... after those are delted try to bsp it again....if that dont work you can try reinstalling radient or getting more ram like previous mentioned...

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