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Game Crash

Master Shawn

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Ok, im about to break my JO cd in half. I can go into a game, SP or MP and after a while I get an error out of the game and my computer freezes. Im pretty sure its an error that JK2 generated a while ago, for some reason, it depends on how much I type during the match. An error used to come up and say Error: Max Text On Memo Pad, and I dont have a damn clue what that meant, but ever since then JK2 freezes on me after I type so much, anyone have ANY clue what the hell this thing is?

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That is an odd one. I assume you have tried the basic uninstall/reinstall? Take a hike through your registry and remove any lucasarts/raven entries that you are SURE are jedi knight 2 related before you reinstall.


You might want to check you don't get this on another Q3 engine related game (Q3, RTCW, whatever) in case it is a more serious system file corruption problem, which may necessitate a reinstall of windoze.

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Hmm, havent reinstalled yet(shoulda done that first DUH *smacks self in head*) ill try that, and no, I havent experienced this in any other Q3 Engine game I own (Mainly STV: Elite Force) After the uninstall/reinstall(which I should have done in the first place *smack self in head yet again*) ill post with the results :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



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