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MP freezes when cycling level


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I didn't have this problem until recently. Whenever I play online (specifically HFE Kandyland), and the map cycles to the next level, it waits until all but one or two players are ready, then the entire computer freezes. I am well above required specs, and never had this issue before. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

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I have this one too, and I'm not totally sure what it is.


I assume you have all the detail levels up at max? Try turning the texture settings down to High and 16-bit. I found this cured a lot of my headaches. I now only get it on particular servers, which is even more bizarre, and so I now have to avoid those.

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As I have said elsewhere, because this problem wasn't there to begin with, and only occured later (after I increased the graphics detail levels), I'm willing to lay my bets on it being files getting corrupted somewhere. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to track down what it could have been yet.


It's not the .pk3 files, as I have a copy of those from my original installation, and the dates haven't altered (tough perhaps I should run them through file compare... that might be enlightening). I haven't bothered with a full reinstall since there is nothing else obvious it could have been.


I do have one supect: com_HunkMegs, I recall Raven said not to mess with it, despite rumours that it increased performance (very early rumours too). This might not cause a problem at lower detail levels, but when bumped up to higher levels it might cause instabilities in the textures (my previous prime suspect). Now if only I could remember to original value...

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