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Garbage compacting room


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I've cleaned out the room (guarded by a protocol droid that warns of the nefarious garbage tycoon) of all baddies, and discovered a hallway and secret room insifde one of the compactors - but no way out.


I can't jump high enough to reach the ledge - I can't move any boxes - I can't force push a garbage cart out of the way in the small hallway - :confused: and why is there a cart that can only be pushed a little way at the entrance?


I've never cried "uncle" before - if someone could point me in the right direction, it'd be greatly appreciated.



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If you mean the area that I think you do, then you need to Force-pull the cart. You get out the way you came by making your way back to the compactor, going inside and jumping back up into the chute (yes... you can make the jump).

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Longjocks, I'm pretty sure he's at the other side of that area ....








it's actually 2 carts - one has to be pulled, before the other can be pushed - but that's a couple of gameplay minuts later. Well, if I judge this right what would help you here is: Tried to enter one of the garbage presses yet (and do yourself a favour and make a quick save just befor trying to do so, lol) - wink-nudge ;)? If you done so already then pls explain your current location as detailed as possible.

I don't have a friggin clue what the cart and the beginning is for, the one in the big hall (not the path blocking ones in the halway), but you don't need it to compleat the level.

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I need help in this level too. I have gone past the trash compactor. I have moved the two trash bins in the corridor so I can get to the hidden tunnels.


I am stuck at the point where that droid comes out of the wall and asks for the password. Kyle keeps saying, "Wookie Feet" or "Garbage" none of which are the real password. Since it is the wrong password, the droid opens a hole in the floor and I fall into the little glass cage where I am electrocuted. Is it possible to guess the right password?


Is there something on the other side of that door?


What do I do at that point?

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After checking the savegames, I'm in ns_hideout. There are 4 garbage mashers with locked doors - one without a bin under it's hood, a series of high platforms and catwalks that I can't get to, and a pair of open doors.


The garbage mashers: I can't climb them or jump up them. The one without a bin under it's hood vent I was able to get inside it - I found a couple of seceret goodies, but nothing game-progressive.


The high platforms: There is a space for an elevator to move, and I think I see the elevator - but I can't jump up (there are some stacked blocks, but they're too far away). There are also two small rooms with glass windows that overlook the area nearby. The lower one - I can't get into. The higher one, I can shoot the glass out - but it's on the same level as the too-high catwalks.


The open doors: Both are guarded by a pair of hidden Greedos. One room has a shielded area I can't get into, but it does have a moveable box that uncovers the hallway where one of the Greedos were waiting. If I go to the other end of the hallway, there are a pair of doors (locked, natch) and an unmoveable bin. I think there's another bin blocking it on the other side, but I can't find it, let alone get to the obstacle.


This is about everything I've got.


Please, Obi-Wan Kenobi - you're my only hope.

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After checking the savegames, I'm in ns_hideout. There are 4 garbage mashers with locked doors - one without a bin under it's hood, a series of high platforms and catwalks that I can't get to, and a pair of open doors.


The garbage mashers: I can't climb them or jump up them. The one without a bin under it's hood vent I was able to get inside it - I found a couple of seceret goodies, but nothing game-progressive.


The high platforms: There is a space for an elevator to move, and I think I see the elevator - but I can't jump up (there are some stacked blocks, but they're too far away). There are also two small rooms with glass windows that overlook the area nearby. The lower one - I can't get into. The higher one, I can shoot the glass out - but it's on the same level as the too-high catwalks.


The open doors: Both are guarded by a pair of hidden Greedos. One room has a shielded area I can't get into, but it does have a moveable box that uncovers the hallway where one of the Greedos were waiting. If I go to the other end of the hallway, there are a pair of doors (locked, natch) and an unmoveable bin. I think there's another bin blocking it on the other side, but I can't find it, let alone get to the obstacle.


This is about everything I've got.


Please, Obi-Wan Kenobi - you're my only hope.

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those two bin's/carts whatever: one needs to be pulled (the one you reach via climbing through the garbage masher) and the other (which can access directly, all the way back through the masher and to one of the siderooms, eg the 1st bin you've encountered) pushed therafter (after the to be pulled one dosn't block it anylonger) -> new passage ...

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Sweet merciful CRAP!


Okay, I'm a slouch. I've beaten MOH:AA, Max Payne and ohter games, and I've never cried Uncle. I've never asked for help.


After three days of being stuck on this level, I had had enough. I posted this thread. After another day, I was getting pissed. My 5 yr old son asked if he could play. There's no carnage (I killed everybody) so I showed him how to move Kyle Katarn around and how to jump, etc.


Imagine If your keyboard and mouse were twice as big as they are now - that's probably close to how a 5 yr old feels with a MS Natual keyboard and wheel mouse.


True to my Monkus' style, he didn't gripe or moan - he just adapted. Granted, he couldn't look, move and jump at the same time, but he did what he could.


And solved my problem in about 5 minutes.



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