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Bug: pk3 + zip = ERROR =plz help


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I have been trying to make a custom skin for our clan,

but have been unseccuessful - I KNOW, for certain, that it is due to the pk3 files not being zipped properly - I have tried 2 version of zip [the dfefault version that comes with XP and winzip8]


The reason that I know zip is the problem is because I took a perfectly good/working pk3 - unzipped it, then rezipped it up again: and it no longer works in the game


Everyone else must be using a different verion of zip...


PLEASE promptly let me know what versions of zip are being used that will end this maddnes - ugh :confused:





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I use the regular shareware version...it's 8.0


Be sure you're saving it correctly, and including the file paths(but do NOT select to save the ENTIRE file path). I can zip mine normally, even with a .zip extention, and just rename it to pk3...it works fine.

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