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i posted this earlier but i htink someone took it down...i can't find it.


on my: DURON 750/gf2mx400/256sdram/win2k...the multiplayer games creahses after about 5 min of playing. i get an error message and then it kicks me out of the game....but when i play on my athlonXP1900/512ddr/radeon 8500/win2k...it never crashes.


i downloaded this no cd hack so i could play my one game on both computers at the same time. i have dsl and my high end computer doesn't get the error message....but my lower end one does. any one know what is wrong with it?


and this is NOT illegal. i downloaded the no cd hack so i could play along side my dad on the other computer without buying 2 games. so please don't delete this message b/c i have done nothing wrong. please give me some suggestions on why this is happeneing.


and please don't delete this topis again b/c i have boughtg the game and only have one cd key...but i want to play on my other computer too so i can play along side my dad. so anyone have any suggestions? i have dsl so my connection is not bad....but i would really like to have some help on what i could do.



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nice try? well, my dad is the one who installed it. you still have to have the cd in to play don't you? well...i only have one cd and i would still like to play my same copy on my 2 computers.


so any suggestions on the error message?


and don't say i am a warezing the game b/c i have only bought one copy. please help me.

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I remember this guy posted before and something screamed out that it was a warezed copy...don't remember exactly what though.


But yeah, you need to find the cd key, and put it in backwards. It's a secret way to prove you really did buy the game, and it shouldn't ever need the cd again. Yep.

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The NoCD crack has a habit of dropping you out of MP games randomly. It's quite well known if you read the boards.


If you own one copy already then you ARE alllowed to make one copy for backup purposes, but legally if you use it one 2 computers at once you need two copies.


This is a duplicate of my reply to your identical post on the Tech Support board. It wasn't deleted, you're just in a different place.


And yes, what you are talking about IS illegal. It's a little issue called "licensing".

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oh i thougt that i posted in here. and why in the world is it illegal to play my one copy on both of my computers at the same time? thats not illegal. and what are you talking about that i posted some other time that screaamed i had a warez copy? just shut up and stop trying to cause trouble. i have bought my copy at wal-mart and have been playn it for about a week i think now. when i got it i posted about how fun it was....i think that was tuesday or wednsday.


then, i wanted to play with my dad on the other computer so i went to the gamecopy websit to get the no cd hack so i could play it on both computers at the same time.


so you say they have a tendancy to crash in multiplayer? well that sucks.....i guess i will ask around on some more forums if you guys dont know.


thanx any way

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It IS illegal idiot. You should read the EULA for one thing, but quite apart from that, any software title is generally licensed for one computer only, that is why you need the cd in the drive to play. Thats why companies have to pay for SITE LICENSES for the software they install across their networks


hey ive just bought one copy of microsoft office but i wanna install it over some 300 computers in my building all for the cost of one title, thats not illegal!


Yes, yes it is. You want to play it on two computers you have to buy to copies. Anything else is illegal.

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well...then it is stupid rule. and, i was able to buy one win2k professional and install it on both computers. i am NOT going to buy to copies of the game just to play it on both both of my computers.


oh well...i will find somehtin out

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i was able to buy one win2k professional and install it on both computers


The fact that you were able to do it does not make it any more legal.


And it is not a 'stupid rule' , were it not illegal there would be no games industry, one copy would circulate the world, bad enough what already happens with warez. Stop your childish whining because the world doesnt suit you, if you want two people to play on two computers, logic states you require two copies of the game.

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lol...your a funny guy. did you play any duals today against a guy named Darth Millhouse? b/c that is me and i got KILLED by a guy with your name. just wondering if that was you and if so...can i have some lessons? :D oh well....


peace guy....i'm off to bed

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Darksiders being a dick as usual... waazzuupp, it's perfectly legal for you to install the software on both computers, just as long as your not using the software on both at the same time.


We're all good people here, i'm completely sure that no-one here would do anything illegal or anything. We all follow our countries copyright rules :D





People who use heavy have no skill.

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Of COURSE we all follow out countries copyright laws :>


Actually it is indeed still illegal to install it on two computers, even if you aren't using it at the same time, and it's a "silly" for home users, who want to do what you are doing, but not necessarily for large companies, who could use that trick to allow hundresd of workers to use one copy of a program (with some careful planning). It's true in the UK at least, but is rarely enforced on home users for the reasons above - you aren't really trying to defraud Lucasarts thousands of pounds, just have some fun with your dad. I understand surprisingly.


Interestingly I am doing something similar WITHOUT the use of a NoCD crack, because I originally installed on my slower computer and moved to my gf's much faster one. As a result I can use my slow compy as a dedicated server for small duels or the like. Anyway, I get sidetracked.


You only require the CD in the drive for two major things: Joing an MP game, and in the SERVERS cd drive when a map changes. You can start a server, hand the CD to your dad, wait for him to join and put the CD back in yours if you are the host (or vice versa). This should solve your problem, and still requires you to own a copy for all those screaming "WAREZ!!" at you out there :>



PS: People who whine about people who use heavy having no skill, have no skill. Learn to counter it you idiot. It's not hard.

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No it's not illegal to install on 2 computers. Just so long as it's only ever used on one computer at one time.


Are you a yank Sutek? American laws most likely differ to Australian laws


i am right damn you

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