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All Right I Am Stuck!


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OK where my prob,


I am in the reactrs, dodging the gree laser blasts. I have gotten past most of um, except the ones where the tunnel bends to the right,I can dodge the first blast but I run to the other one that is going down the way of the bend. Can ya help me out?:mad:

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If I'm correct, then your at the small hallway with the dead man and the med packs. If you leave that area straight on you wont be able to make it even with force speed as there are two beams, one on the first stretch and the next when you turn right.


To get to the room where the lasers are shooting out from you need to return to the previous hallway (the one in which you were in before you turned right into the small hallway with the dead man) and continue going down. You should get to another exit on the right.


So from the small hallway (with the dead man) turn around and turn left continuing down the previous hallway. Then turn right one you reach the end and you should see the room where the lasers start. Push the red button to turn the lasers off.

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