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freezing in cutscene


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I am no longer able to play JK2 because it freezes in the same spot every time. Right after the duel with the jedi chick it goes to a cutscene with Kyle in a hauler I think. At the same point in the movie , puter freezes and must reboot. Tried Everything to correct.


Here are specs if it matters, but I have yet to get a decent response from Raven, LA, this forum or anywhere. I have simply stopped playing the damn game. What a freakin waste of money.


P3 800

Supermicro p6dgu

matrox g450

256 m ram

Directx 8.1

SB Awe64 Gold

Beige case

Microsoft mouse

Viewsonic monitor

Comfortable chair

Dog at my feet

Wife screaming at me to get off the computer (version 7)

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Most probably it crashed (random windoze error most likely) the first time, and in doing so it has corrupted either a game file or the save file you are using.


You have a couple of things you can try:


1) go back to the previous save and try again from there. If it doesn't crash, delete the old save game that was causing it.


2) If 1 doesn't work ,try uninstalling, clearing out everything from the folder bar save games, reboot and then reinstalling (important to do all of that: corrupted/improperly cleaned up game file may still lurk and cause problems).


That should fix your problem in theory. It's not going to be the games fault directly (otherwise EVERYONE would have that crash at that point), but as I said - a randomly occuring game crash at that point may have resulted in a recurring error.

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Thanks for the responses and sorry for the ranting. I have already tried skipping the cut scene, but it freezes as soon as I press the "use" key.


I have not tried replaying from a previous save but I suspect it will fix the problem ( I had a similar problem with a corrupt save game at the hideout level). I just had such a hard time defeating the babe with the sabre, I was hoping to avoid seeing her again. Will try it again.

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