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info_player_start and info_player_deathmatch


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ok another wierd thing -


if i have 2 info_player_starts on my map and i run a bot, sometimes it is as if we spawned at the same point (no telefragging occurs though). And i think i got the same thing happening when it was 1 info_player_start and 1 info_player_deathmatch


Is there a way to fix this? or am i just screwed up?


Does the 'initial' flag prevent this?


-Jumbo Monkeyfish

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actually, I think I'm just a dumbass (but at least i know about the entity window without being told!!! :D). I dont know what was going on before... but know i just put in a info_player_deathmatch with the 'initial' flag on and this problem no longer occurs.


-Jumbo Monkeyfish

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