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stuck in ns_streets


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ok first i gotta say this game kiks ass.. i never been so boggled on how to figure out parts of each lvl. anywaysss... im stuck on ns_streets.

ok lemme expalain where i am. i went down the elevator and and killed the 3 guys on the moving garbage thingie, jumped on it, jumped up to the building. come to a room where theres a pipe thats electrified under water. i killed that by shooting a pipe. pulled the bridge out with force pull. both doors are locked, one where the bridge is and one where i shot the pipe. there is a ledge that goes to another floor i cant seem to get up on it. when i jumped up i noticed there is r2d2 there. do i somehow make him open the door? i am real stuck here and very frustrated.


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The door has nothing to do with completing the level. It actually leads to nowhere. Remember that old "Maniac Manison" game, where you found an item, which couldn't be used throughout the game? The same is true for this section.


You have to jump onto the garbage cart and change its destination by using Force Push (Force Pull? Your Blaster?) on its traffic lights.


I was trying to open that damned door for hours, before I tired NoClip and looked beyong it. Just "plain and gloomy darkness of non-modelled space". (Hey, that would be a cool title for a b-movie!)


Gidion, a.k.a. Dalboz

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Once you jump onto the garbage cart, it will start moving. If you don't do anything, it will vanish into a shaft with a force field and you will do a long arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *splash*.


Next to the force field is some kind of traffic light (you know the red and green and sometimes yellow thingies from driving arounf in town?). If you use Force Push on it, it will change from red to blue (well, it is a Nar Shaddaa traffic light after all) and the cart will continue to the far side of the level (there is a second traffic light ahead, so repeat the action once you see the blue "use force here" sign).


Once you have done that, the garbage cart will fly through a door and you're in the next level.




Gidion, a.k.a. Dalboz



Slight hints for the next level:


If you can blast it, do it!


If you can use force, use it!


If you see an opening that's your way.

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ok im lost now.. is it the garbage cart that i had to jump on that went back and forth that had the the 3 badies on it?? what garbage cart r u talking about???

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Yeah, you have to get on the garbage cart to get on in this level but it is worth going into the area with the electric water because there are some goodies in the room to your left with the glass wall. It's dead easy to get in, too- go up as far left as you can and there's a pipe and a plain wall. Look closely-you can see some 'cracks' in the wall. Place a charge on the wall, set it off, bingo, some goodies (I forget what's in there now but I think it's something worth having like a bacta wossname). You can probably use a trip mine or thermal grenade or Force push to breech the wall, I just had some charges kicking about.

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You guys are telling him about the garbage hauler and he thinks you're talking about the skid that you use to get from one building to the next. The first floating thing isn't a garbage haluer it's a vehicle of sorts.


He's what you do...

Once you've got rid of the electricity in the water (by shooting the pipe) pull the plank out.


You can get on to the above ledge. Myself, I had to get a good long run at it and then force jump to the lowe part of the ledge (it runs parallel to the plank).


Then, there is a button by the R5 unit, push it. It will move a crane arm closer to that ledge. Drop to the crane and wlk closer to the wall. The other arm of the crane will come within reach to Force Pull closer to you. Jump onto this and then jump into the garbage hauler below.


The hauler will then pull away and you will go for a ride. The hauler will go into a force field if you don't keep it going. Keep it going by force pushing the "traffic light" looking things along the path. The hauler will then continue to the end of the level.



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