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Problem with the ioncannon level.


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After finishing the game in the easiest settings, I'm now trying the diffuclt setting.. In the beginning of the level with the ion-cannons I have to defend the prioners.. but the keep dying on me.. !!

I've tried using the gun on the at-st's, but they destroy it just with a couple of rockets... but the main problem is that the prisoners die so incredibly fast..


Does anyone have any good hints? :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Stauf, I did it !

(though I don´t know if I´m on Jedi Knight or Jedi Master mode - where can you see it, when you forgot it ?)

On the upper level, i ran for the cannon, ignored the AT-ST turned around and killed the guys on the ledge, more or less from left to right. I even got the AT-ST, that coming from behind the doors plus the guys from the room to the right. I noticed that when I keep the finger omn the trigger, it seemed to take longer to run out of ammo (!?). Still it wasn´t enough for the AT-ST in tzhe valley. I wasted all my regular ammo on him, wtihout effect. But I dodged his shots so that he finally also ran out of ammo !!!

Without working weapons i just across the valley in rabbit-style (the AT-ST still worked and wanted to step on my toes.

But I made to the far side doors, past the second AT-ST and got upstairs.


It´s not very Jedi-like, but it worked.

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Actually leave the guys on the ledge upstairs till you killed the first AT-ST down in the canyon.


Then kill the guys on the ledge. That triggers the second AT-ST to come out. Kill that. Then move on to take out the third one at the other end of the canyon.


Also you don't run out of ammo. It's really damage you are seeing. So if you get hit, that meter goes down. It's not like the meter goes down as you shoot.

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Hey Spidey, did you really do that on the harder difficulty settings ?


Coz by the time i´m done with first AT-ST, all prisoners are dead.


Maybe my hit-ratio is not good enough.

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