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Snow Level?

Obi-Wan X

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I thought I remembered seeing a snow level on some pictures of JO... and even a dark jedi with red and black hair. WTF. Perhaps I am mistaken...and there were also hoth textures in JO Radiant. Tell me if someone has covered this before...but to me these were the coolest pics of the game I had seen. Is it only in the collectors edition? Or perhaps I just simply skipped it for some strange reason.






Im pretty sure these were beta forms of the game. Is it me...or does Kyle just look better graphically in pic 2 than in my current version? Pic 1 seems to be a beta form of the deathstar, MP version, although I am not sure. Just need some clerification if some can be offered .

1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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I agree with you on the first pic, although I saw some sweet SP pics as well of areas of snow. Observe.





^ Again...graphics look somewhat superior, and my graphics are on high!






The same as before, but I just like the snow


1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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yes these are early levels that sadly Raven took out. I even remember seen a E3 video of a JK2 demo and the level they were runing was some kind of imperial base which is not now in the final game. I hope Raven release some levels like that one.


I really hope to see expansions for JK2 and I mean more than one.




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i may not supposed to tell you guys this ( i signed a keep quit contract ) but that was the first levle they made so they could test out all the aspects of the game they MAY or may not be making a missison pack allready, it MAY or may not include this and other levles. But this is all speculation ofcourse

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I hat eto shatter everyone's illusions, but its unlikely that raven will ever make a expansion. They have specifically said in an interview that they traditionally they do don't do expansions and that Elite Force was an exception.

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Yes, I also remember most fo the early mpegs of this game. The levels looked pretty neat. I wish we actually had some more SP levels though, 2 sp levels just aren't enough. It seems as if just about everyone who plays JO mp has a good ping, and little lag. So why would Raven simply take out the SP AI (bots for mp), and the great moves , clashes, and saber locks? I personally think that running back and forth with red stance can be somewhat enjoyable, but GEI.


1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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