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Why I love Pull/Push


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My favourite part of JK2 multiplayer is when you are facing an enemy who is on a catwalk, but you are also on a catwalk. You both have powerful weapons and you both have absorb.


Why is this so good?


Well basically it is the ultimate test of reflexes, because if get shot, you die, if you shoot you can be pulled/pushed. If you pull/push you can be pulled/pushed. So its a great test of nerves to see who makes the first move.


Anyone got other similar "stands" they make?

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Heh, people are going to hate this one...but every now and then, I'll have a "DFA-only" duel...it's more fun than it sounds, too. Basically it consists of constantly trying to DFA each other...usually it goes in rounds. One person DFA's, the other dodges, and tries to DFA the first guy before he recovers. Of course, I only do this when engaged in a duel, because I'd feel like crap if I did it in a crowded area...


Probably the best part is when someone wins and everyone on the server reminds you how incredibly lame the entire fight was. :D


Of course, I never do this to seriously try to win...there are far better ways to do that. Just sort of a "joke duel" if you will...

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Last night on an FFA server I started a few duels with this guy where we crouched the whole time and only used light stance...it's a little tense because you don't want to open yourself up to the lunge move, but we were pretty much just screwing around.

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